Wednesday, May 6, 2009

John 5 Signature Fender Telecaster...

Howard just approached me, his lunch of jello or Cafe Ice Cream in hand I'm not sure which, to let me know that John 5 has a signature Fender Telecaster. Now, this isn't suprising news to me, John 5 is a giant guitar slinging musical powerhouse, however, what does surprise me is that if you want to have a John 5 Signature Fender Telecaster in hand at the John 5 event to get a signature, we can make that happen!

You can prepay for the axe, and that'll run ya $399.00 before tax. We'll have it here at the store for the signing.

An additional thought, John 5 is also fond of the Fender FM25DSP and FM212DSP amps. If you don't really *need* another guitar (who DOESN'T need more guitars?!) but you need an amp, we can hook you up with a 25 or 212 that you can get signed.

Pretty cool.

If you're interested, or if you just have some questions give Howard a shout at the Mellwood Store. You can reach him at 502.897.3304 or

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